Plant Fossils

Plant fossils are the remains of plants that have been preserved in the fossil record. They can be found in a variety of settings, including sedimentary rocks, coal, and amber. Plant fossils can provide information about the evolution of plants, the climate of the past, and the ecology of ancient landscapes.
One of the most famous fossil sites for plant fossils is Mazon Creek, Illinois. The Mazon Creek fossils are preserved in siderite concretions, iron-rich nodules that formed around the plant remains. The concretions often contain exceptionally well-preserved fossils, including leaves, stems, seeds, and even entire plants and in some cases animals such as the Tullymonster, clams and shrimp. The Mazon Creek fossils date back to the Carboniferous period, about 300 million years ago. Our selection of top quality fossils changes frequently, so be sure to check back often for new specimens.

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